
2023-04-23 10:34:05







【 yimin.liuxue86.com - 澳洲技术移民 】



年龄 得分
18-24 25
25-32 30
33-39 25
40-44 15
45-49 0
学历 得分
被认可的海外学历 10
澳洲文凭 10
学士(含荣誉学士、硕士) 15
博士 20
英语 得分
雅思46 0
雅思47 10
雅思48 20
工作经验加分 得分
过去5年中有3年工作经历 5
过去7年中有5年工作经历 10
过去10年中有8年工作经历 15
额外加分:配偶加分 得分
要求AUS公民、年龄低于50、职业属SOL、雅思4624个月中有12个月以上的SOL职业工作经验 5
澳大利亚本地工作经验加分 得分
过去2年中有1年工作经历 5
过去5年中有3年工作经历 10
过去7年中有5年工作经历 15
澳大利亚本地学历加分 得分
本地2年以上全日制学习 5
语言学习经历加分 得分
社区语言-NAATI认证的语言学习 5
专业年学习经历加分 得分
专业年课程项目-Professional Year课程(仅限IT和会计) 5
偏远地区学习经历加分 得分
澳大利亚偏远地区上学的留学生额外加分 5
担保加分 得分
州领担保-适用于176886州领担保 5
偏远地区担保-州领、亲属(475)、偏远地区(487)移民担保 10


at time of invitation
18–24 (inclusive) 25
25–32 (inclusive) 30
33–39 (inclusive) 25
40–44 (inclusive) 15
45–49 (inclusive) 0
English language ability
at time of invitation
Competent English—IELTS 6 / OET B 0
Proficient English—IELTS 7 / OET B 10
Superior English—IELTS 8 / OET A 20
Skilled employment
at time of invitation

Only 20 points can be awarded for any combination of overseas and Australian skilled employment
Overseas employment in nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation
Australian employment in nominated skilled occupation or a closely related skilled occupation
Skilled employment outside Australia (of past 10 years)

At least three but less than five years 5
At least five but less than eight years
(of past 10 years)
At least eight and up to 10 years (of past 10 years) 15
Skilled employment in Australia (of past 10 years)  
At least one but less than three years 5
At least three but less than five years(of past 10 years) 10
At least five but less than eight years (of past 10 years) 15
At least eight and up to 10 years (of past 10 years) 20
Educational qualifications
at time of invitation
Doctorate from an Australian educational institution or other Doctorate of a recognised standard 20
At least a Bachelor degree, including a Bachelor degree with Honours or Masters, from an Australian educational institution or other degree of a recognised standard 15
Diploma or trade qualification completed in Australia, or qualification or award of recognised standard 10
Australian study requirements
at time of invitation
One or more degrees, diplomas or trade qualifications awarded by an Australian educational institution and meet the Australian Study Requirement 5
Other factors
at time of invitation
Credentialled community language qualifications 5
Study in regional Australia or a low population growth metropolitan area (excluding distance education) 5
Partner skill qualifications 5
Professional Year in Australia for at least 12 months in the four years before the day you were invited 5
at time of invitation
Nomination by state or territory government (visa subclass 190 only) 5
Nomination by state or territory government or sponsorship by an eligible family member, to reside and work in a specified/designated area (visa subclass 489 only) 10







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