
2023-04-23 10:32:29


【 liuxue86.com - 托福机经】


T1(历史出现次数3次 20120324CN 20121014CN 20160716CN,注:CN代表大陆,NA代表北美,下同 )

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of letting students evaluate their professor at the end of the semester.

T2(历史出现次数1次 20160716CN)

Do you think it is a good thing to take plastic surgery?

I’d like to say that creativity is the most important trait that I admire most.

First, creativity is a trigger for people to gain knowledge. Take Steve Jobs – the father of the Apple incorporation as an example, he would never be so legendary without his creativity. Thanks to his curiosity, he successfully created a series of apple products.

Plus, creativity motivates people to explore the technology. People need to keep working day after day and the creativity plays a significant role in the research and study. A creative man is more likely to make breakthroughs in his field and this is how and why we have new stuff in our lives.

So I admire creativity most.






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