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部分 2000年1月托福听力考试真题原文如下:

l. M: I'm really having trouble with this calculus course.

If I can't start doing better soon, I'm Going to have to

drop it.

W: Why don't you get some he1p from the graduate assistance. That's what it is there for.

What does the woman suggest the man do?

2. W: Hey, don't forget to drop that book off at the

library on your way home. .

M: 0h, thanks for reminding me. I am on my way.

What wi1l the man probab1y do next?

3. W:I sure wish I had a metric ruler with me .I need the

measurements in millimeters, not in inches and I’m

tires of converting.

M: Would it make thing go faster if you borrow


What does the man imply?

4. M: Good news. I'm not going to need surgery after

all .The doctor says l can start working out

again soon. And maybe play soccer again in a few


W: That's terrific .let would be great if you could get

back in shape in time for the state tournament.

What does the woman mean?

5. M:I already know what I want to take next semester So

why do I have to make an appointment to see my

advisor? All I need is her signature on my course


W: I'm afraid it doesn't work that way. She has to talk

with you to make sure everything is on the right.


What does the woman mean?

6. W: Prof. Smith sire was acting strangely today.

M: I notice that too .She was talking so quietly and then

not giving us any homework. Can you believe that?

What can be inferred about Prof .Smith ?

7. M: It's been pouring for three days now l begin to

wonder if it will ever stop.

W: And tomorrow is going to be my day at the beach.

But if it doesn't clear up by then, I'll just have to

forget about that.,

What does the woman imply?

8. M: What a boring speaker! I could hardly keep from

falling asleep.

W: Oh, I don't know about that. In fact, it's been a

long time since I have heard anyone as good.

What does the woman mean?

9. W: Gee, Tom, I hear that you are working as a house.

painter this summer .It's got to be awfully hot

working up there on a 1adder in the blazing sun

all day..'

M: Well it's hard work, but I get to be outdoors and the

pay decent.

What does the man imply?

l0. W: I've been working on this report all day. And

I've sti1l got 12 pages to write. At this rate, I'll









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